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Showing posts from April, 2010

ADD/ ADHD or do you lack focus & concentration?

I completely understand . I have one of those hyperactive brains. But some poeple have more that not or not even that they are foggy, lack focus, seem confused and unclear like a smear on your wind shield that wont come off. Or perhaps your brain is hyper and you ant to calm down a little and direct that energy? Our son Joshua whom at the age of 3-4 we were told that he possibly had attention problems ( code word MEDICATE HIM ) I dont know if you have or not seen what those drugs can do to little bodies. I seen a 5 yr old on it and it had him wired so much that he wouldnt sleep at night and he was constantly pooping or peeing himself. So for the past 5 years used the word of God, herbs, changes in our daily diet and learning about our children personaliites gifts talents and abilites to manage & dramamtically help him which has given him the best shot at a healthier NONE stereo typed life. just recently I came across this product that I have seen amazing results. Joshua has gained

Did you hear................

Crystal has a client whom was prescribed a topical cream which ended up causing a rash. To get rid of the rash and irritation he sprayed Lava Derm Cooling Mist on to the rash. It not only took away the rash & irritation but cleared up brown liver spots off hios foot. See post for more info about Lava Derm. Do you or anyone you know have skin irriations or rashes? Dr Leanne, broke her neck 2 yrs ago but only recently ( 8weeks ago) received surgery to fix this fracture and has been bed ridden & in severe pain. Since using & applying Gary Youngs Pain formula ( email for that info) she has become more relaxed, her pain has significantly reduced . Its been 8 weeks since her surgery and she has already gotten back into a vehicle . She found putting it under her tongue verse a caplet the pain formula last longer . So much so that she enrolled two(2) people as Business Developers whilst being bed ridden using her IPhone.That $100 from being bed ridden Do you or someone you know suf